It's SHOWTIME! Introducing, the Skullgirths Jam! A fan art collaboration where we draw our favorite Skullgirls characters extra thicc!
-Your submissions should be original to this collab.
-Any fetishes can be used for your submissions, except for graphically violent and disturbing content.
-You can submit up to 3 entries.
-Comics are also allowed, but should be up to 6 full pages.
-Animations are welcome too.
-Post your submissions in the submissions channel. If you want to show your progress for feedback, put it in the feedback channel.
-Submissions can be posted publicly on Twitter or other sites.
-The jam starts on July 1st and ends on October 7th.
-Be sure to make them Skullgals EXTRA THICC!
UPDATE: The jam is starting early. So here's a link to my Discord.